Firstly, what is the potential benefit to achieve from Whitebox Expectations? To answer this, we have made quick, unscientific, but very valuable teaser.
Whitebox Expectations address leadership with no lack of emphasis. It is Whitebox’s experience, that successful companies all have leadership who are committed to avoid fires instead of fighting fires. This proactive attitude is easily recognized, and the most popular strategy is to establish the corporate competences required to avoid fires and by that – meet the business targets. Whitebox Expectations is designed to support this leadership, in the scope of expectations engineering.
This is what Leadership in Expectations Engineering looks like.
When a leader is establishing corporate competences, Whitebox Expectations is very flexible and can accommodate any specific need. But to be able to exploit this flexibility, the leader needs some basic knowledge and skills, e.g.
Knowing the Whitebox Expectations learning system
Setting targets in specific disciplines
Planning and prioritizing
Whitebox Expectations provides the Leadership Course, that is essential to success. This is a facilitated online course, where a group of peers are trained, challenged and share their experiences with each other.
The Leadership Course includes access to all the training material included in the Team Training course. The Team Training course, is the platform used, when the leader is establishing team competences.
What is the data behind the bold promise of the power of Whitebox Expectations?
What is the scope of Expectations Engineering?
Treating requirements engineering, risk management and testing as separate disciplines done by separate groups of employees has been a failure. Check here why.
Time has come to establishing a “Corporate Memory”. Check the power behind this concept here.